The Sweatshop List

Don't Patronize These Sweatshops:

Wu Liang Ye Restaurants - Owned by the Chinese state-owned corporation called Wu Liang Ye Group, this company closed down two of its shops and transferred their business to evade a federal court judgment to pay for their labor law violations. 

Simply Nails (formerly known as 167 Nail Plaza) - A nail salon worker stood up to demand a break after long hours of work and got fired. On June 2008 she won a federal court judgment, but owners refused to comply with the law and have used various schemes, to avoid reinstating the worker or paying the judgment.
Cache - For many years, workers from Cache’s subcontracted factory in the midtown garment district labored over 70 hours/ week without overtime pay or minimum wage. When they complained they were retaliated against and fired. Despite Cache’s knowledge of the sweatshop conditions, Cache maintains a $250 million annual revenue without paying workers what they are owed.