
The Sweatshop Free Movement

Over the years workers of every industry have struggled for their rights to improve the treatment and working conditions in their communities. We have achieved great victories but there are still sweatshop bosses whose actions have harmed the community and caused the economy to deteriorate. They have used various schemes, such as fraudulent transfers, to evade the labor law and to retaliate against workers who stand up. 

Moreover there is a modern slave law in this country. The law is called Employer Sanctions and it criminalizes immigrant workers, creating an underclass of labor with no rights or protection. Because of this law, the underground economy is expanding, dividing working people, creating cutthroat competition, and causing workers' wages and the economy to plummet. 

We need to break through the divisions in our community and come together to fight for equal rights for all workers. That is the only way we will be able to eradicate sweatshops from our communities and ensure a better tomorrow for working people.