What you can do ...

...to Make Our Communities Sweatshop Free!

  1. Ask your local businesses to pledge to be sweatshop free and call on companies not to subcontract with sweatshops! 
  2. Support sweatshop free businesses and don’t patronize sweatshops! 
  3. Support the following demands to strengthen enforcement of the labor law and to ensure equal rights and protections for all workers:

    • Criminally prosecute employers who use fraudulent transfer of assets or fraudulent bankruptcy or misclassify employees as independent contractors to evade the labor law.
    • Legislate to strengthen manufacturing accountability laws; e.g. hold companies responsible for the labor law violations committed by their subcontracted or subsidiary companies; to prohibit the transfer of assets of employers who are sued for labor law violations. 
    • Repeal the employers' sanctions law and legislate equal rights for all workers.